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Message from Juanita Brown at the World Cafe 20th Anniversary event in Japan

Video message from Juanita Brown, co-originator of the World Cafe, is now available at the following URL.
This message was presented at the World Cafe 20th Anniversary special event in Japan on Oct. 25th 2015.
In this message Juanita explains that the success of the World Cafe was not only the method is good, but also because there is the deeper source behind it. The first reason is that the World Cafe is a door way to access Prof. Nonaka’s”BA”, the shared space of collective intelligence, and the second reason is that human beings are living in conversations to understand and create future which is derived from Prof. Humbert Maturana’s theory.
Building on these assumptions, Juanita introduces “conversational leadership” who intentionally use conversation as a core process to transform organization. communities and society, and encouraged us to become such leaders.
Message from Juanita Brown – The World Cafe 20tb Anniversary Event in Japan.


Q&A with Juanita Brown – The World Cafe 20th Anniversary Event in Japan

Juanita Brown's Message for the World Cafe 20 Anniversary

Para quienes que están interesados en la “World Café (http://www.theworldcafe.com)”, un mensaje vídeo de Juanita Brown, el co-creador del método, nos dio una lección profunda sobre la sabiduría colectiva evocada por conversaciones.